ENCASE Final Workshop: “Cybersafety: Threats and Intelligent
Parental Advice Tools for Protection in Social Networks”
Item |
Time |
Topic |
Leader |
Day 1, 18.10.2019 |
08:30-09:00 |
Arrival of Meeting Participants, Breakfast |
1 |
09:00-09:15 |
Official Opening – Welcome Speech |
Dr. Michael Sirivianos (Coordinator of ENCASE), Cyprus University of Technology |
2 |
09:15-10:00 |
From Chaos, DRAMA: Data-driven Research for Advanced Modeling and Analysis |
Dr. Jeremy Blackburn, Binghamton University |
10:00-10:20 |
Coffee Break – Poster Presentation by ENCASE Secondees |
3 |
10:20-11:00 |
Privacy in Machine Learning |
Prof. Emiliano De Cristofaro, University College London |
4 |
11:00-11:35 |
Estimating the Influence of Web Communities |
Dr. Tristan Caulfield, University College London |
5 |
11:35-12:00 |
A Better Internet for Kids in Cyprus – CYberSafety |
Mrs Anastasia Economou, Cyprus Pedagogical Institute |
6 |
12:00-13:00 |
Towards Understanding the Information Ecosystem Through the Lens of Multiple Web Communities (PhD Defense) |
Mr Savvas Zannettou, PhD Candidate, Cyprus University of Technology |
13:00-14:00 |
Lunch Break |
7 |
14:00-14:40 |
On the Limits of Anonymizing Web Tracking Data |
Prof. Thorsten Strufe, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
8 |
14:40-15:05 |
How to Innovate in the Market of Cybersafety |
Mr Pantelis Nicolaou, Cyprus Research and Innovation Center Ltd |
9 |
15:05-15:20 |
From Bots to Disinformation |
Mr Juan Echeverría, Astroscreen co-founder |
15:20-15:40 |
Coffee Break – Poster Presentation by ENCASE Secondees |
10 |
15:40-16:05 |
Demonstration of the ENCASE Parental Advice Tools |
Mr Antonis Papasavva, PhD Student, University College London |
11 |
16:05-16:25 |
Disturbed YouTube For Kids: Characterizing And Detecting Inappropriate Videos Targeting Young Children |
Mr Konstantinos Papadamou, PhD Student, Cyprus University of Technology |
12 |
16:25-16:30 |
Closing Remarks |
19:30 |
Social Event (Dinner at 5 Efkaliptoi Restaurant) |
The meeting will take place at Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus / Tassos Papadopoulos Building – Room AMF 1.
Google Maps Link: https://goo.gl/maps/Atpcv4fbabGQAQg48
- ENCASE Final Workshop: “Cybersafety: Threats and Intelligent Parental Advice Tools for Protection in Social Networks” Part 1
- ENCASE Final Workshop: “Cybersafety: Threats and Intelligent Parental Advice Tools for Protection in Social Networks” Part 2
- ENCASE Final Workshop: “Cybersafety: Threats and Intelligent Parental Advice Tools for Protection in Social Networks” Part 3
- ENCASE Final Workshop: “Cybersafety: Threats and Intelligent Parental Advice Tools for Protection in Social Networks” Part 4
- ENCASE Final Workshop: “Cybersafety: Threats and Intelligent Parental Advice Tools for Protection in Social Networks” Part 5
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Meet the speakers:
Dr. Michael Sirivianos
Assistant Professor in Computer Engineering and Informatics at the Cyprus University of Technology.
Dr. Michael Sirivianos is an Assistant Professor at CUT since Jan 2012. Prior to that, he was an Associate Researcher in Telefonica Research. He holds a PhD from Duke University since 2010. His current research interests are in the fields of security in social networks, trust-aware design of distributed systems, secure device pairing, distributed databases, and large-scale data processing. He has published papers in the most influential conferences and journals of Networked Systems, including ACM SIGCOMM, USENIX NSDI, IEEE INFOCOM, ACM/USENIX IMC and ACM Transactions on Networking. He has extensive experience in managing EU-funded projects. Specifically, he was the technical manager of the ReCRED project (Horizon 2020 Innovation Action – 2014, budget: 5M Euro) and currently is the coordinator of the ENCASE project (Horizon 2020 Marie Curie RISE – 2015, budget:2.1M Euro) and scientific coordinator of the INCOGNITO project (Horizon 2020 Marie Curie RISE – 2019, budget: 1.6M Euro).
Dr. Jeremy Blackburn
Assistant Professor in the Computer Science department at SUNY Binghamton.
Dr. Jeremy Blackburn is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science department at SUNY Binghamton since fall 2019. Jeremy is broadly interested in data science, with a focus on large-scale measurements and modeling. His largest line of work is in understanding jerks on the Internet. His research into understanding toxic behavior, hate speech, and fringe and extremist Web communities has been covered in the press by The Washington Post, the New York Times, The Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal, the BBC and New Scientist, among others.
Prior to his appointment at Binghamton, Jeremy was an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Prior to that, Jeremy was an associate researcher at Telefonica research in Barcelona, Spain. In an earlier life, Jeremy was a Principle Developer working on Digital Rights Management (DRM) enabled content delivery system, with user facing software products supporting over $1M a year in revenue. Prior to his appointment at Binghamton, Jeremy was an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Prior to that, Jeremy was an associate researcher at Telefonica Research in Barcelona, Spain.
Prof. Emiliano De Cristofaro
Professor of Security and Privacy Enhancing Technologies at University College London (UCL).
Prof. Emiliano De Cristofaro is a (Full) Professor of Security and Privacy Enhancing Technologies at University College London (UCL). He is affiliated with the Computer Science Department and currently serves as Head of the Information Security Research Group and Director of the Academic Center of Excellence in Cyber Security Research (ACE-CSR). Before joining UCL in 2013, he was a Research Scientist at Xerox PARC.
He is also a Faculty Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute, the national institute for data science and AI, and on the Technology Advisory Panel at the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). And, he is a co-founder of the International Data-driven Research for Advanced Modeling and Analysis Lab (iDrama Lab).
Overall, he does research in the broad information security area. Recently, he has been doing a lot of work at the intersection of machine learning and privacy, as well as on understanding and countering cybersafety issues using measurement studies and data science.
His research has been published at top-tier conferences such as IEEE S&P, NDSS, ACM CCS, WWW, ICWSM, ACM IMC. His co-authors and he received best/distinguished paper awards from NDSS 2018, ACM IMC 2018, and CyberSafety 2019, as well as the Data Protection by Design Award from the Catalan Data Protection authority and were runners-up for best paper at ACM IMC 2014 and ICWSM 2017.
Dr. Tristan Caulfield
Senior Research Fellow in the Information Security Group of the Department of Computer Science at University College London.
Dr. Tristan Caulfield is a Senior Research Fellow in the Information Security Group of the Department of Computer Science at University College London. The main theme of his research is to find ways to understand and model the behaviour of systems at all scales. By using ideas from security economics, statistics, game theory, and systems modelling, we can gain insight into how systems function and how they can be better managed. This can be used, for example, to explore how different policy choices will affect the security of an organization, or to understand how different online communities influence the spread of information around the web. He is a member of the International Data-driven Research for Advanced Modeling and Analysis Lab.
Anastasia Economou
Head of the Educational Technology Department at Cyprus Pedagogical Institute of Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture
Mrs Anastasia Economou is Head of the Educational Technology Department at Cyprus Pedagogical Institute of Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture. She received her BSc in Elementary Education from Boston University in 1993, her Master’s degree in Educational Media and Computers from Arizona State University in 1994 and her MBA degree from the University of Cyprus in 2008. She is the head of the Educational Technology Department at the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute and a member of the Ministry of Education and Culture committee ICT unit for the use of ICT in the learning process. She represents Cyprus to the European Commission Expert Group on Media Literacy and Education and she has been involved in several European projects on the use of digital technologies in education, undertaking the coordination of the ATS2020 (Assessment of Transversal Skills) and the CYberSafety (Cyprus Safe Internet Center) projects, as well as the Safe Internet for Children National Strategy in Cyprus.
Her interests, regarding the use of digital technologies in the learning process, include transversal skills for the digital society, multiple literacies, assessment and ePortfolios, learning design, eLearning, teachers’ continuous professional learning, and creative and safe use of the internet.
Savvas Zannettou
PhD Candidate at Cyprus University of Technology.
Mr Savvas Zannettou is a PhD Candidate at Cyprus University of Technology under the supervision of Prof. Michael Sirivianos. In 2014 and 2016 he received respectively the BSc and MSc degrees in Computer Engineering from Cyprus University of Technology. During 2014, he was a Research Intern at NEC Labs Europe for 6 months where he worked on Software-Defined Networks. During 2017, he was a Research Intern at Telefonica Research for 6 months. His research interests include social networks analysis, deep learning and software-defined networks. He also has experience with working on EU-funded projects after contributing to the ReCRED and ENCASE projects. Furthermore, he is a Dramanaut at the iDrama Lab.
Prof. Thorsten Strufe
Professor of Privacy and Security, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; Adjunct Professor TU Dresden.
Prof. Thorsten Strufe is a Professor for Privacy and IT-Security at Technische Universität Dresden, vice-speaker of the German Cluster of Excellence on Tactile Internet with human-in-the-loop CeTI, PI of the Joint Research Centre HAEC, PI of the Graduate School “RoSI”, and PI of the 5G-Lab Germany.
His research interests lie in the areas of large-scale distributed systems and social networking services, with an emphasis on privacy and resilience. Recently, he has focused on studying user behaviour and security in online social networks and possibilities to provide privacy-preserving and secure social networking services, partially through decentralization. One of the challenges driving him is the question, how competitive online and mobile services can be created without a comprehensive collection of personal information, which hence respect the privacy of their users. He was appointed professor for Peer-to-Peer networks at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, from 2009 to 2014, and visiting professor for Dependable Distributed Systems at University of Mannheim, Germany, throughout 2011.
Previously, he took a post as a senior researcher at EURECOM, where he was working with Refik Molva on security with a special focus on online social networks and did a post-doc at Technische Universität Ilmenau, working on resilient networking technologies.
He received the PhD degree from Technische Universitat Ilmenau in 2007, which was advised by Günter Schäfer and Dietrich Reschke, and was awarded with the ”FFK Preis fuer die beste theoretisch orientierte Dissertation” (FFK price for the best theory-oriented dissertation). His thesis deals with the construction of network-efficient overlay topologies for live multimedia streaming and means of making them especially resilient towards both the failure of nodes and DoS attacks.
Pantelis Nicolaou
IT&SW Solutions Division Leader @ CyRIC | Cyprus Research & Innovation Center Ltd.
Mr Pantelis Nicolaou is an IT&SW Solutions Division Leader @ CyRIC | Cyprus Research & Innovation Center Ltd. Experienced IT Strategist and Digital Transformation evangelist, with a multi-disciplinary background in IT, Software and Product Development, Product management and experience in corporate digital transformation. Carries an excellent track record for delivery on high-end and state-of-the-art projects over the many industries he has worked in.
Juan Echeverría
PhD Candidate and Co-founder at Astroscreen.
Juan Echeverria is the Chief Technology Officer, and co-founder of Astroscreen. He is currently a PhD candidate in Computer Science at University College London (UCL), and also holds an MSc in Machine Learning from UCL. He has been a researcher on social media manipulation for more than seven years and has discovered two of the largest Twitter botnets in the world using machine learning. He has published several papers on the topic of bot detection methods and has presented his work at multiple conferences. His work has been featured in the MIT Technology Review, New Scientist, the BBC, and over a hundred other news outlets.
Antonis Papasavva
PhD Student at University College London.
Mr Antonis Papasavva is a PhD Student at University College London under the supervision of Prof. Emiliano De Cristofaro. In 2019 he received his MSc degree in Data Science and Engineering from the Cyprus University of Technology. In 2016 he received his BSc degree in Computer Science from Frederick University of Cyprus where his research was in the fields of robotics, unmanned surface vehicles, and autopilot software systems.
His research currently focuses on the characterization and detection of racism, misogyny, and other types of discriminating behaviour in mainstream and non-mainstream online social networks, large scale data processing, and deep learning networks. Last, he has demonstrated experience with working on EU-funded projects. Specifically, he took over highly responsible roles and actively contributed to ReCRED, CONCORDIA, and ENCASE projects.
Kostantinos Papadamou
PhD Student at Cyprus University of Technology.
Mr Kostantinos Papadamou, is a PhD student from Cyprus University of Technology, under the supervision of Prof. Michael Sirivianos. In 2014 and 2016 he received respectively the BSc and MSc degrees in Computer Engineering from Cyprus University of Technology. During 2018, he was a Research Intern at Telefonica Research for 6 months. His research interests include social networks analysis, deep learning and identity management on the web. He also has experience with working on EU-funded projects after contributing to the ReCRED and ENCASE projects.